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Do’s and Don’ts when moving home with your cat

Moving house can be a stressful experience for anyone, and for pet cats, it can be even more challenging. As an owner, you want to make sure your feline friend feels as comfortable and safe as possible during the move. Here are some do's and don'ts to consider when moving house with your pet cat, courtesy of :


Get your cat used to the carrier: If your cat is not used to being in a carrier, start introducing them to it several weeks before the move. Place treats and toys inside the carrier and allow your cat to explore it on their own.

Pack familiar items: Pack your cat's bed, toys, and food dishes and make sure they are easily accessible in your new home. Having familiar items around will help your cat feel more comfortable in their new surroundings.

Label boxes with your cat's items: This will help ensure that your cat's things are unpacked first, making it easier for them to settle into their new home.

Keep your cat inside: During the move, it's best to keep your cat inside to prevent them from running away or getting lost. Make sure they have a quiet, safe place to hide if they get scared.

Make the transition gradual: Try to maintain your cat's routine as much as possible, including feeding and play times. Gradually introduce them to their new home and allow them time to explore at their own pace.


Don't feed your cat before the trip: Feeding your cat before a long trip in the car could lead to upset stomach and vomiting.

Don't let your cat roam free during the move: This could lead to them getting lost or injured during the chaos of moving.

Don't change your cat's food or litter too quickly: Stick to your cat's familiar diet and litter for a few weeks, until they have fully adjusted to their new home.

Don't ignore your cat's stress signals: Watch for signs of stress in your cat, such as hiding, meowing excessively, or loss of appetite. If you notice any of these symptoms, try to make your cat feel more comfortable by giving them a familiar toy or a warm place to hide.

By following these do's and don'ts, you can make your cat's move as smooth and stress-free as possible. With a little preparation and patience, you and your furry friend can enjoy your new home together.